Concept, performance and realization: Adriana Cubides
Supervision and mentoring: Jeanine Durning
Live-Sound Composition: Alexandra Nilsson
Filming in and outdoor: Lena Kienzer, Fares Qadri and Adriana Cubides Filming and photographing Bogotá: Francisco Pinzón, Robinson Cuervo
Length: 2 hours

Shown at:

  • Stockholm University of the Arts, Performed at Studio 12, seen from Cinema in same building, window and Zoom 2021

In my quest for different ways of seeing and relating to something beyond its function, purpose and assumed definition, I aim to escape identification and find new understandings through in between spaces and decentralized perspectives. In resistance to traditional value systems within product oriented and categorical thinking, I detour my gaze towards a process of ‘becoming’. I practice a quality of presence that allows for what I do to be continuously reformulated and in direct contact with the circumstances.
Exposing my practice to different conditions and spaces – studio as well as in and outdoor public spaces- informs me further on the range of what I do while recycling experiences that crystalize in different expressions.
Tending towards a malleable understanding of what things can be rather than what they appear to already be, I propose a fluid performative frame that allows me to encounter the accumulated process in real time.
The unfolding event, shaped by the tension between known and unknown conditions, materializes in the form of a film-performance, or real-time cinema, where cameras, projection, light, screens, body, objects, and other unexpected, real-time conditions support me in transposing my bodily seeded search of multiple fronts and moving /being moved by space.
Working with scale and playing with how framing suspends conventional ways of viewing, I continuously shift the perspective of my surroundings. Displacing or superimposing materials, framed spaces, and temporalities blurs the contouring borders of things and creates liminal spaces that activate potentials for new perceptions and realities