See-through 2021

In my quest for different ways of seeing and relating to something beyond its function, purpose and assumed definition, I aim to escape identification and find new understandings through in between spaces and decentralized perspectives. In resistance to traditional value systems within product oriented and categorical thinking, I detour my gaze towards a process of […]

The gap in between 2018

The title the gap in between, points towards a non definable and graspable space that in its liminal quality escapes rigid structures and categorical thinking. It is an active search for new perceptions and mind spaces allowing for several concurrent meanings, directions, and ways of perceiving something to co-exist within the same frame. We create […]

I AM WHAT  I  AM 2016

Who am I, why am I like this? How do I show myself? When do I feel strong? What feels uncomfortable? What do I fear? What do I hope and wish for? I am what I am, is a piece that allows each dancer to be seen, revealing some of their strengths, fears, sensitivities, wishes […]


I was invited to create a piece for the Company Vonnunan on compositions by Renald Deppe. “Art Fremd Fremd Art” moves at the interface of composition, conception and improvisation. This applies both to the dance performance and to the musical implementation. “Language, sound, movement and dance require multifaceted communication structures, which are urgently needed to […]


For the exhibition Extinct, the art of obsolescence each participating artist had to do a piece by avoiding the most used tool to express her/hisart. I decided to do a performance avoiding my  body, creating instructions for the audience


A window display with only a red chair. You go in, get a blindfold, which is your ticket. Someone leads you towards the red chair where you sit down, blindfolded. I will be dancing for you, maybe singing, speaking, whispering. You will not see me, but you will hear, feel and smell me while the […]


This was a performance commissioned by the Durango Arts Center for the opening of the paper exhibition “Washi” where I bring people closer to the process of making paper in a sensorial, sensitive and poetic way.

BLANK COATED SILENCE  2013 A dialogue of Sculpture & Performance

The blankness of white surfaces calls on potential, possibility, the undiscovered. What awaits in the blankness? How do we relate to white? And how does the body reflect these journeys of discovery? Open yourself to the uncolored, the stark emptiness of white, and share in the process of discovery. This dialogue between sculpture and performance […]